Michael Stoney | Co-owner PROH Wellness Center
51 year old male (on right)
Ailments and health challenges:
Gun shot wound to the left arm and chest resulting in a shattered humorous and a bullet still lodged on the tip of the spleen
congenital duplication recurring cyst on esophagus, and 4 subsequent chest surgeries
nerve fusion surgery for pinched nerve in the neck
Rheumatoid arthritis in both hips
Swollen prostate
Prostate cancer
Forced to retire after suffering a severe gunshot wound to my left arm and chest while working as an undercover detective for the NYPD, my days were filled with countless health challenges impacting my quality of life. Pain management, now an integral part of my life, was both a blessing and a curse.
After over two decades of surviving both physical and emotional trauma and coping with various injuries and ailments, I decided to research organic and plant based medicinal treatment options in lieu of traditional prescribed medication. Although I attribute my survival to modern medicine, the side effects of heavy prescription drugs negatively impacted my quality of life. Not to mention, I seemed to be getting worse and developing new health problems despite said medication. Inflammation and cysts put me in a constant cycle of pain, hospital visits, doctor’s offices, surgeries, and emergency rooms. I decided to rid myself of all prescribed medication and began my journey to a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.
Through a change in diet, use of cannabis, meditation, and tolerable exercises, I was able to rebuild my body in ways that greatly improved my quality of life. Unfortunately, the pain never went away, and soon I learned that I had developed additional ailments involving my colon and prostate. I was diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer.
Shortly after my cancer diagnosis, I discovered PROH CBD through a chance meeting with the founder of this boutique brand of medicinal potent CBD. I began to take 3000 mg CBD via tinctures, and within the first month, I noticed significant positive changes in both my ailments and the pain. Convinced and inspired by our own personal experiences with medicinal CBD, my current business partner, Ramel Bautista, and I decided to partner with the brand owner and build a wellness center focused on helping others through his brand (as well as other plant based medicines and life enhancing services) to improve their own quality of life. Now CBD seems to be working its way into many parts of my life and the lives of my family and friends—and with amazing results!
We are in business to educate those who are curious about this natural “miracle plant” that has both healed and relaxed the human body in various cultures over thousands of years. We hope to help people cope with countless ailments that modern medicine is failing to properly address, and to do so in a way that is more natural, less addictive, and less harmful and invasive to the human body.
Ramel Bautista | Co-owner PROH Wellness Center
41 year old male (on left)
Ailments and health challenges:
Traumatic Brain Injury, resulting in having to relearn basic human tasks such as breathing, swallowing, eating, walking, writing, etc.
Fractured hip, broken ribs, broken collar bone and broken wrist
I’ve been fortunate to say that for most of my life I have been extremely healthy, fit, and mentally strong. After graduating from the United States Naval Academy and serving 9 years, I decided to pursue a lifelong passion—teaching tennis. After spending 10 years coaching many of Hampton Road’s players, both young and old, conditioning and mental fortitude became my daily focus. But, like everyone else, I dealt with the daily stresses of life.
Stressed and anxious about a severe health challenge of one of my close family members, on March 11, 2019, I passed out behind the wheel and drifted into oncoming traffic. Surviving this life altering event and traumatic brain injury, I was faced with the task of getting back to some level of normalcy.
With a will to recover and return better than ever, I embarked on a rigorous workout schedule and slowly regained all of my strength and motor functions. Mid-way through this journey, I discovered the PROH brand through my business partner, Michael Stoney, and began taking daily doses of 1000mg full spectrum CBD. It helped with my inability to sleep and created a noticeable difference in my focus and overall “balance” throughout my day. I learned to understand the benefits of CBD when I was not using it!
Intrigued with the CBD and cannabis lifestyle, I studied this form of medicine and began to understand the true benefits of this miraculous plant. My daily CBD drinks, skin care products, creams, and tincture have enhanced my life. It was a no brainer when Michael Stoney and I decided to build a wellness center to share this life enhancing approach to coping with countless ailments we all face daily. Nothing feels better than helping people improve their quality of life.

Abram Acton | Co-owner PROH CBD
PROH stands for Progressive Restoration Of Health. Based out of Colorado, PROH CBD is a craft, boutique company. We realized early that the key to survival from the influx of CBD companies to the market is producing quality products and having a personal connection with our clients. Sourcing our raw products from organic sun grown sources in Colorado and having some of the most advanced recipes on the market separate PROH CBD from other companies.
Abram Acton is co-owner of PROH CBD. As a caregiver he has been deeply involved in the Colorado Medical Cannabis program. He has been processing cannabis medicines and has been registered as a medicinal cannabis caregiver in Colorado since 2009. He has taught 100's of hours of classes on medicine processing in the cannabis industry and has countless clients all over the country that benefit from his PROH brand and expertise in the field. Recommending products to hundreds of patients and guiding them in the correct direction has been a highlight of his time within the industry. Being on the cutting edge of medical cannabis programs and natural medicine, Abram helped open 4 clinics in Virginia in 2020.